I like Aciman’s general style, but this was too dense with overthinking and over-describing. Eight chapters, one for each night, trace a nascent love affair between two 20-something New Yorkers. I gave up even before the end of the first night. I've read critiques that find the characters unrealistic -- too elitist, they "think too much," they imbue all sorts of moments with too much significance, and they fixate on tiny details that "no one" would care about. Dieser Artikel hat eine maximale Bestellmenge. "I am Clara," "spoken with the practiced, wry smile of someone who had said it too many times to care how it broke the silence. Eight White Nights envelops the reader in its wintry spell." Verbose, overblown, too full of itself. I am sorry that I could not get past night one. a miserable, convoluted read. "The after-Clara thrilled and scared me, a mirage of water beyond a valley of rattlesnakes.'' eight-white-nights-a-novel 1/1 Downloaded from referidos.baccredomatic.com on January 15, 2021 by guest [Books] Eight White Nights A Novel If you ally obsession such a referred eight white nights a novel book that will pay for you worth, get the definitely best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. I suppose if you like that kind of thing, you would enjoy reading this book. The characters, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 23. I find a great annoyance to the character as he keeps obsessing over the girl he meets. Overwhelmed yet cautious, he treads softly and won't hazard a move. EIGHT WHITE NIGHTS: A NOVEL Read PDF Eight White Nights: A Novel Authored by Aciman, André Released at 2010 Filesize: 8.53 MB To read the PDF file, you will need Adobe Reader software program. A bit too much rambling; and not the funny hobo kind. Welcome back. I have read and i am certain that i am going to planning to read through yet again once again in the future. Rezension aus Italien vom 24. Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2021, Amazon.com, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften, Entdecken Sie André Aciman bei Amazon. There are a few irksome matters to resolve: She has a past life to shuck; he has a numbing penchant for perfection. Then again, Aciman has never failed to be original. One of my worst reads in recent memory. At many points, the reader wants to take these two aside and say, "Enough with the gamesmanship. I admire the author's attempt to get inside the mind of the protagonists, but reading through over 300 pages of the redundancy of thoughts that waffle between "should I or shouldn't I," "did she or didn't she," and "I wish she were here or no, I don't wish she were here," I was so bored to death. This was my first romance novel and I completely disliked the book. In spite of all of the accolades by book reviewers (I don't pay much attention to them, anyway), I didn't care for it. He mentions her name a million times. )for the current times. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: Halfway through dinner, I knew I’d replay the whole evening in reverse—the bus, the snow, the walk up the tiny incline, the cathedral looming straight before me, the stranger in the elevator, the crowded large living room where candlelit faces beamed with laughter and premonition, the piano music, the singer with the throaty voice, the scent of pinewood everywhere as I wandered from room to room, thinking that perhaps I should have arrived much earlier tonight, or a bit later, or thatI shouldn’t have come at all, the classic sepia etchings on the wall by the bathroom where a swinging door opened to a long corridor to private areas not intended for guests but took another turn toward the hallway and then, by miracle, led back into the same living room, where more people had gathered, and where, turning to me by the window where I thought I’d found a quiet spot behind the large Christmas tree, someone suddenly put out a hand and said, “I am Clara.”, Enigma Variations: A Novel (English Edition). André Aciman was born in Alexandria, Egypt and is an American memoirist, essayist, novelist, and scholar of seventeenth-century literature. [PDF] Eight White Nights: A Novel Eight White Nights: A Novel Book Review Completely among the best publication I have got at any time go through. Trying to convince himself of what "I am Clara" might mean. That is just pretentious. Acces PDF Eight White Nights A Novel Eight White Nights A Novel|dejavuserifcondensedb font size 14 format As recognized, adventure as competently as experience nearly lesson, amusement, as without difficulty as conformity can be gotten by just checking out a ebook eight white nights a novel with it is not directly done, you There is the nightly rendezvous at a Rohmer film festival, to which neither will unquestionably commit but each hopes the other will make. by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Eight White Nights: A Novel (English Edition) eBook: Aciman, André: Amazon.de: Kindle-Shop Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. März 2018. Eight White Nights is a brilliant performance from a master prose stylist. "I was already rehearsing never seeing her again, already wondering how to take I am Clara with me tonight and stow it in a drawer along with my cuff links, collar stays, my watch and money clip.'' Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Each meeting thereafter features varying degrees of navel-gazing, soul-searching, and explication. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. I counted the words in one that was not even the longest and it had 179 words. I was glad to be able to finish this book. With the hasty familiarity of people who, when it comes to other people, couldn't care less and haven't a thing to lose." The book recounts the relations between a 20-something going on 14 couple f. I finished this book on an airplane and I cried. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Well written, and a page turner for me. Nicht verpassen: Exklusive Amazon-Neuerscheinungen. That was a non-event. A man in his late twenties goes to a large Christmas party in Manhattan where a woman introduces herself with three words: "I am Clara." The writing is terrific; particularly the POV's eloquent and insightful self regard, no matter how neurotic. ‎ Eight White Nights is an unforgettable journey through that enchanted terrain where passion and fear and the sheer craving to ask for love and to show love can forever alter who we are. Time Out (New York) "A bravura re-creation of all the feints and counterfeints, yearnings and frustrations, of modern courtship. There are many thoughtful and beautifully written parts in this book, but it rambles on endlessly. An Ihren Kindle oder ein anderes Gerät senden. Start by marking “Eight White Nights” as Want to Read: Error rating book. PDF File: Eight White Nights A Novel - EWNANPDF-92 2/2 Eight White Nights A Novel Read Eight White Nights A Novel PDF on our digital library. Jeden Dienstag neue Titel. Es liegen 0 Rezensionen und 1 Bewertung aus Deutschland vor, Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. I stated it the first night I got it. about 45 times, I decided it was not worth my time. The question he finally asks is one Dostoyevsky would surely have appreciated: How can a human being measure a fleeting moment of happiness? There are a lot of very long sentences. Every time I thought this book was getting good, something would happen (or more likely not happen) that irritated me. And then, "someone suddenly put out a hand and said, 'I am Clara.' I can't even properly describe this book. Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. "Aciman's piercing and romantic new novel is a brilliant performance from a master prose stylist. She reflected on this. shemay be clara but boy was i BORED. The tension between them builds gradually, marked by ambivalence, hope, and distrust. What follows is a mating dance that will either entrance or repel you -- a collision of two eccentric souls that grows with mesmerizing intensity. Download PDF Eight White Nights: A Novel Authored by Aciman, André Released at 2010 Filesize: 2.6 MB Reviews This is actually the very best publication i have read … Self-indulgent. To save Eight White Nights: A Novel eBook, make sure you click the hyperlink beneath and download the document or have accessibility to other information that are have conjunction with EIGHT WHITE NIGHTS: A NOVEL ebook. Eight-White-Nights-A-Novel 1/1 PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free. I absolutely loved Aciman's, I was glad to be able to finish this book. by André Aciman (Farrar, Straus & Giroux; $26) February 7, 2010 Aciman’s second novel unfolds over eight snowy nights in Manhattan. They are also equally hamstrung by their own minds. Appelle-moi par ton nom André Aciman. They may crane their necks and turn their leaves all they want toward the sun, but gravity has the last word.”, See 1 question about Eight White Nights…. But telling people this only makes them want to prove me wrong, and the more they try to prove me wrong, the more I want to push them away, but the more I push them away, the guiltier I get, the nicer I become, the more they think I've changed. Download PDF Eight White Nights: A Novel Authored by Aciman, André Released at 2010 Filesize: 5.21 MB Reviews Comprehensive guide for ebook fanatics. Einlöse-Links und eBooks können nicht weiterverkauft werden. Thank you very much!!! Enthält dieses Buch unangemessene Inhalte? True. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. The problem for me is that the novel also becomes exasperating, when not frustrating or simply alienating. Their love story begins at a flamboyant Christmas Eve party in a swank, 106th Street penthouse. Redirecting to https://imusic.dk/audiobooks/9781400145737/andre-aciman-2010-eight-white-nights-a-novel-lydbog-cd-. The book recounts the relations between a 20-something going on 14 couple from their meeting on Christmas Eve to New Years Eve in wintery New York mostly on the upper west side around 106th St. Like Aciman's previous novel, Call Me By Your Name, it is about the relation between passion and the development of a sense of self. I figured it would be a great book seeing as others have raved over "Call Me by Your Name." ", I know this isn't everyone's read. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. André Aciman yet again explores human emotion with uncompromising accuracy in this piercing new novel. The next few days unfold in an uptown bar, an artsy movie theater, an old man's house on the shore of the Hudson River. They seemed to be spoiled, impetuous, egocentric types that don't have a real purpose in society. There's talking...so much talking. Januar 2014, A book that takes some reading. He has also written many essays and reviews on Marcel Proust. I don’t know weather to rate this one or two stars I did not like this book I found the main character whiny clingy Insecure and annoying. "Eight White Nights" is so quintessentially a Manhattan story that it is hard to imagine it unfolding in St. Petersburg or anywhere else. eight-white-nights-a-novel 1/1 Downloaded from ons.oceaneering.com on February 20, 2021 by guest [PDF] Eight White Nights A Novel This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this eight white nights a novel by online. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. I have got go through and so i am confident that i will likely to read again once more down the road. From the lovers' chance meeting to their immediate, mutual fascination to the revelation of a troubling former liaison, Dostoyevsky's four surreal nights are embedded here like a literary genetic helix. Whoa. Or would I find cunning ways to latch on to minor defects so that they'd start to bother me and allow me to snuff the dream till it tapered off and lost its luster and, with its luster gone, remind me once again, as ever again, that happiness is the one thing in our lives others cannot bring.'' Each meeting seems freighted with the unspoken, even though along the way, the lovers develop their own playful language. Eight White Nights is an unforgettable journey through that enchanted terrain where passion and fear and the sheer craving to ask for love and to show love can forever alter who we are. . A man in his late twenties goes to a large Christmas party in Manhattan where a woman introduces herself with three words: "I am Clara." Both of the main characters were unlikeable, and I had no patience for their waffling, their baseless recriminations, and, most of all, their seeming complete lack of real interest in each other. "I'm Clare" nella pagina iniziale ha un che di magico e spiega il continuo rincorrersi degli otto giorni (e delle otto notti) che separano il lettore dalla fine del libro, Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 8. Eight White Nights is an unforgettable journey through that enchanted terrain where passion and fear and the sheer craving to ask for love and to show love can forever alter who we are. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times, The Paris Review, The New Republic, Condé Nast Traveler as well as in many volumes of The Best American Ess. So even as he reaches forward, the narrator pulls back, withholding. I got this book as a goodreads first read. Eight White Nights is an unforgettable journey through that enchanted terrain where passion and fear and the sheer craving to ask for love and to show love can forever alter who we are. But make no mistake -- Aciman is writing about, Aciman is a Proust scholar so it's not surprising that this work is so Proustian: a narrative of the human experience that occurs through slow accumulation of thoughts, sensory information and psychological awakenings. I loved the chemistry between the couple and most of the writing, but this really could've done with 200 pages less. A man in his late twenties goes to a large Christmas party in Manhattan where a woman introduces herself wi… It just isn't. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times, The Paris Review, The New Republic, Condé Nast Traveler as well as in many volumes of The Best American Essays. I find a great annoyance to the character as he keeps obsessing over the girl he meets. The entire story could be better told without all of the extraneous mind-surfing in about a third of the pages. A clever tale of a perverse little relationship that literally lasts through a snowy week. They develop between them, not a special language, but, again as people defining themselves by love do, an important special vocabulary. It is extremely difficult to leave it before concluding, once you begin to read the book. He mentions her name a million times. I admire the author's attempt to get inside the mind of the protagonists, but reading through over 300 pages of the redundancy of thoughts that waffle between "should I or shouldn't I," "did she or didn't she," and "I wish she were here or no, I don't wish she were here," I was so bored to death. There were some great moments, and some of the prose was very nicely put together, but mostly I just wanted to the characters to shut up and act like grown-ups. Empfänger können auf jedem unterstützten Gerät lesen. Not my cup of tea. The Russian master's short story "White Nights" lingers over Aciman's novel as firmly as fog over a St. Petersburg winter. There is an impromptu visit to Clara's old friends in Hudson County. Chiunque vorrebbe essere approcciato nel modo in cui Clara approccia Il protagonista maschile del libro di Aciman. --Marie Arana From "The Boston Globe""Part of the great satisfaction in reading Andre Aciman's new novel, "Eight White Nights, '' is experiencing it in a kind of literary real time. Geben Sie einen Promotionscode oder einen Geschenkgutschein ein. Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. Without Aciman’s excellent writing, both sentences and structure, I can’t imagine it working. ACWFNMTXIHJ1 » Book » Eight White Nights: A Novel Find PDF EIGHT WHITE NIGHTS: A NOVEL Download PDF Eight White Nights: A Novel Authored by Aciman, André But Aciman charts a vividly insightful profile of the psychology of modern-day courtship, and for anyone who's ever smarted from the sharp dreamlike unreality of those obsessive early stages of young love, it's a blistering quick trip down the rabbit hole." Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. I handed it off to a friend in. Literarische Belletristik (englischsprachig), Übersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch, Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschließlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). Written by : Andre Aciman Read By : Paul Boehmer This book was a huge disappointment. Over the following seven days, they meet every evening at the same cinema. "Everything before Clara seemed so lifeless, hollow, stopgap, '' he proclaims. ENCOASQXITOJ » Kindle » Eight White Nights: A Novel Download PDF EIGHT WHITE NIGHTS: A NOVEL Read PDF Eight White Nights: A Novel Authored by Aciman, André Februar 2010), Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 4. He has also written many essays and reviews on Marcel Proust. Eight White Nights is an unforgettable journey through that enchanted terrain where passion and fear and the sheer craving to ask for love and to show love can forever alter who we are. Cercami André Aciman. It was John Barth's Chimera, and when the suit next to me looked at me oddly, all I could do was mumble, “It was so beautiful." EIGHT WHITE NIGHTS: A NOVEL Read PDF Eight White Nights: A Novel Authored by Aciman, André Released at 2010 Filesize: 4.35 MB To open the PDF file, you will want Adobe Reader software program. But what if our lovers are contemporary New Yorkers, untouched by war, unfazed by society's obstacles, whose only barrier to the other's heart is a feverish, overactive brain? I happen to have once lived in that neighborhood, and evocation of New York is intense and winning. Just talk to each other and stop reading between the lines.'' How I loved this book. My guess is that Aciman wrote precisely the book he intended to write, but this is not the book I wanted to read. The dialogue is terrific, some of it might have wandered in from Oscar Wild. I recall once years ago finishing something on an airplane and crying. I've read critiques that find the characters unrealistic -- too elitist, they "think too much," they imbue all sorts of moments with too much significance, and they fixate on tiny details that "no one" would care about. Sind Sie der Meinung, dass dieser Artikel Urheberrechte verletzt? There is something irresistible about romance in the face of open warfare: "Romeo and Juliet," "A Farewell to Arms," "Doctor Zhivago." She is baffling, impulsive and surpassingly strange. It's not for everyone, but for the right sort of reader it's a beautiful extended dream. Kaufen und versenden Sie dieses eBook an andere Personen. So, to forestall committing a spoiler, I want say I did not cry because the end was unhappy or happy, but because it was so emotional for me. Eight white nights [a novel] Making the acquaintance of a woman at a Manhattan Christmas party, a man in his late 20s meets her at the cinema for seven subsequent nights leading up to New Year's Eve, a week fraught with increasing tension, ambivalence, and hope. His first book, "Out of Egypt," was a beautifully wrought memoir of his childhood in Alexandria, Egypt. The couple bond, among many other ways by mutually caricaturing other characters, except the parental figures, in a self-centered and even mean-spirited way as people trying to define themselves often do. If you do not have Adobe Reader already installed on your computer, you can download the installer and instructions free from the Adobe Web site. But it struck me in some strange, tender place and I trusted in. Everything seemed to just drag. A+ Customer Service! In spite of all of the accolades by book reviewers (I don't pay much attention to them, anyway), I didn't care for it. If you've read Dostoyevsky's, I finished this book on an airplane and I cried. ." Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 13. They are intelligent and educated. Still, the novel has wonderful vivid moments and insights about desire and loss. I read somewhere (maybe in an interview) that Aciman considers this his favorite book. André Aciman was born in Alexandria, Egypt and is an American memoirist, essayist, novelist, and scholar of seventeenth-century literature. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. But, then again, so is he. "Halfway through dinner," the narrator writes, "I knew I'd replay the whole evening in reverse -- the bus, the snow, the walk up the tiny incline, the cathedral looming straight before me, the stranger in the elevator, the crowded large living room where candlelit faces beamed with laughter and premonition, the piano music, the singer with the throaty voice, the scent of pinewood everywhere. I recall once years ago finishing something on an airplane and crying. Eight White Nights: A Novel. It was John Barth's Chimera, and when the suit next to me looked at me oddly, all I could do was mumble, “It was so beautiful." Clara is "alert, warm, caustic, and dangerous.'' André Aciman is the New York Times bestselling author of Call Me By Your Name, Out of Egypt, Eight White Nights, False Papers, Alibis, Harvard Square, Enigma Variations, and Find Me. Inky and I could have stayed friends. It was was annoying by him overusing the phrase. In the end I learn to hate both myself and them for things that should have lasted no longer than a few hours.' 'Maybe a few nights. You can read Eight White Nights A Novel PDF direct on your mobile phones or PC. Eight White Nights is an unforgettable journey through that enchanted terrain where passion and fear and the sheer craving to ask for love and to show love can forever alter who we are. No one wants to compare to Proust, but like Marcel this unwise young man squeezes out a lot of wisdom eloquently. This is why we offer the books compilations in this website. But beyond that, the similarities stop. “I don't always think I'm a good person. The unnamed narrator arrives at … But make no mi, If you love music and sympathize with introspective and intelligent characters who think as much as they act (and often might wish they could act more than their anxieties allow them to), this book is a gem. If you've read Proust simply to enjoy the journey of meanders, then you'll enjoy this read. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published With "Eight White Nights, '' Aciman, whose first novel was the sensuously detailed "Call Me by Your Name, '' brilliantly continues his examination into the minefield of longing and attraction. I cannot seem to get past the first night. February 2nd 2010 Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.
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